Maybe you have land already or you are considering purchasing a plot of land to build your dream home on? Either way, there are a few things to consider before you start planning a new property build. AGS Commercial are experts at designing and building custom dwellings and can assess the land before any building goes ahead. Here are a few things you can look at, to help you decide if a plot is ideal to build on.

Size, Shape and Orientation of the Plot

If you know what size of house you want to build, you need to ensure the plot is large enough. There needs to be enough room for the building, but also yard space, an area for your vehicle and any other amenities you require. Also, you want to ensure you have enough space from other houses, buildings and trees. Always check with the local council about any restrictions, especially if you’re in an area prone to bushfires.

Road and Essential Services Access

Your builder will be able to arrange the connection of all basic services like water and electricity. But if you’re in an extremely remote area, it’s a good idea to check with the local council to preempt any problems.

What is the Soil Type?

A geotechnical report will determine the site conditions of your plot. Depending on the type of soil, this will allow your builder to determine the best subfloor to use.

Check Any Local restrictions

Restrictions will vary depending on what area you live in. Each local council will have different rules regarding heritage overlays, what type of building you can have and whether you have to notify neighbours.

Proximity to Noisy Public Roads/Other Properties

Always check your site out at different times of the day to see how noise from traffic and other nearby properties effects the area. Are there abandoned buildings or an industrial site nearby? Does the area feel safe at night? What are the neighbours like and do they like to party at the weekends? Will you have enough privacy?

Are There Any Building Plans for Land Nearby?

It’s recommended to check on to see if anything obtrusive may be planned for future building. The last thing you want is to build your dream home and then a massive ugly power station suddenly gets built right in your view.

Is the Land High Enough Above Sea Level?

Consider the weather conditions in your planned build area. If it’s an area prone to flooding, you’ll want to make sure your plot is high enough above sea level so you don’t get caught out.

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