A high quality industrial shed is a smart investment for any business. Use it for your storage needs, as extra office or retail space, or to expand production. While an industrial shed has many benefits, you need to consider a few things before building starts, to ensure it fits your needs.

Get it wrong and you could end up with a shed that is too big or too small for purpose. Get it right and your new shed will stand the test of time and deliver a high return on investment. Here’s what you need to consider:


How big do you need your industrial shed to be? Size will be determined by the amount of workers using the shed, what supplies, tools and equipment will be stored there and whether you’ll be hoisting heavy loads. In general, industrial sheds need to be large, because they double up as work areas and warehouses to store equipment and supplies.


What will your industrial shed be used for? This is an important thing to consider that will affect the size of shed you need to build. Some common uses for industrial sheds include farming, retail, aircraft hangar, workshops, manufacturing and recreational. Different industries have different processes. For instance, will your shed store large equipment or have to hold up to potentially corrosive gases?


The location of your new industrial shed needs to be carefully considered. The area you choose should be able to accommodate large vehicles turning and have easy access to main highways. Another thing to consider is noise pollution. The building needs to be far enough away from residential areas, so not to cause disturbances.


What your industrial shed is made from will depend on what the shed is used for and the local climate. Salt and extreme sunlight can damage unprotected metal over time. Talk with your local building contractors about using sheet metal clad with advanced coatings, that stand up to salt, corrosives and extreme temperatures.


Lastly, you need to consider your available budget when building an industrial shed. Certain features will be expensive, but when it comes to an investment in quality, this pays you back over time. Choosing quality materials to build your shed with, means it will last longer and protect your assets more effectively. Contact AGS Commercial for information on building industrial sheds in Lismore. We can build a shed to your exact requirements and budget.