
More and more people are considering building their own home. This is particularly true since less houses are being built and getting onto the housing ladder is decreasingly affordable.

If you’ve looked around the housing market and feel frustrated by what’s on offer, you may be wondering how to build a low cost house yourself? This article is going to guide you on the best tips for affordable home building.

Simplify the Home Design Plan

A complicated home design plan is a definite way to hike up the cost. Opt for a square or rectangular floor plan that’s extremely simple to build. Another thing that affects home build cost is roofing. A less complex roof will more cost effective and need less time to attach.

Consider a Tiny Home

Tiny houses are increasing in popularity and for good reason – building them is cheaper and they can even be made to transport on wheels when you want to move to a new area. Labour and materials make up the main building costs, so reducing the square footage is a way to build your dream home more affordably.

Hire an Experienced Home Building Team

An experienced home builder may cost more up-front, but they can help you by advising how to cut costs. They’ll have been through the process many times and have experience in building affordably, while not compromising on quality. AGS Commercial have years of experience in residential construction and can help you design and plan your affordable home on a budget.

Get Design Plans Approved Early

Building a new home will require permits and you’ll have to go through a council approval process. If you leave this till after you start building, you may find yourself waiting around, wasting time and money, for official permits to be approved. And, if you have to make changes during the construction process, this can increase building costs.

Choose Cost Effective Building Materials

Some building materials are costlier than others. Choose the right ones to build a low cost house. Consider these cost-effective building materials:

  • Prefabricated Panels. Prefab panels are made in a factory before being shipped to a building site. Because they’re ready to go, this cuts down on labour costs on site when building a new home.
  • Reclaimed Materials. Using reclaimed doors, window frames and floors not only looks good, but it saves on material costs. Look around for homes that are being knocked down, or check sites such as Craigslist or a local salvage store.
  • Shipping Containers. These can be purchased intact, which reduces construction costs. Other benefits of using shipping containers are that they’re fire resistant, wind proof and resistant to wear and rust.

Looking for help to build a low cost home? AGS Commercial specialise in affordable, custom built shed homes in the Northern Rivers.